Fussie Fran





Ever the hopeful optimistic, Dewey’s can-do attitude is what makes him the center of it all. A nine-year old boy who loves all
sports. As a baby, his parents noticed that he would gravitate toward toys that were specifically sports related. He would actually fuss and even cry if he received a toy that wasn’t along the lines of a basketball, football, baseball or hockey stick. Dewey’s father, also an avid sports aficionado, when Dewey was a baby gave him a magic toy chest with secret powers. When Dewey was old enough to open the toy chest his life changed forever.

The alert call sounds, out of the toy chest they come…Dewey and Team Dew110 secretly transform into
Coach Does and the Defenders of Doesville to save the day.

“Francis, Francis, Francis!”, is what you’ll probably hear Dewey Does say more often than not She certainly earned her nickname, from her cantankerous nature. Fussie Fran is always unsure and unsatisfied with everything, thus, she tends to talk real fast, fusses alot and as a result gets Dewey Does into all kinds of trouble and challenging situations with the Stape Twins and other enemies of Doesville. Her suspicious mind never stops wondering if Dewey knows who Coach Does is and where is the Defenders of Doesville hideout?